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Ecological and social justice are the heart of sustainable economic legal practices. Over the past four years the Sustainable Global Economic Law (SGEL) research project has deepened our understanding of how global economic law regulates the economy to legitimize unsustainable practices, and what it can do to address them. It has done so through SGEL members' research, legal education renewals, high-profile international events, and collaboration with international and domestic legal networks. SGEL members work on a variety of cross-disciplinary issues from transnational climate litigation, the crises of care and gender inequalities, food governance, law and technology, to new ways of thinking about private economic law.

In this short video, Professor Ingo Venzke and Dr Ivana Isailović introduce SGEL:

Flagship Projects

Summer School
  • 2024

    The 2024 Summer School focused on bridging critical legal conversation on law, political economy, sustainability and legal practice. It gathered emerging scholars from India, Brazil, Poland and Italy - among others - working on family law, international investment and competition law, property law and sustainable finance in relation to ecological and social breakdowns.

    More information

  • 2023

    The 2023 Summer School featured thematic sessions exploring the links between law, sustainability and environmental justice, and the meanings of ‘just transitions'.

    More information

  • 2022

    The 2022 summer school created a unique space for interdisciplinary conversations on global economic law and sustainability, in the context of accelerating climate change, and the persistence of socio-economic inequalities. 

    Here are some of the themes covered:

    • the divides between social and environmental justice 
    • intersectionality as legal method(s) and practice(s)
    • sustainable global markets & the links between the economy, gender, race and culture
    • (re) imagining sustainable futures 
  • 2021

    In 2021, Candida Leone organized a 4 day summer retreat with a small group of PhD candidates from UvA, Tilburg, Open University and Maastricht during which instructors from UvA hosted conversations and served as commentators on participants' projects.

SGEL Lecture Series 2021-2024

Over the past 4 years, SGEL hosted a lecture series featuring an exceptional lineup of speakers covering a wide range of issue on law, political economy, social and climate justice in globalized contexts. 

Many of the presentations are recorded and can be viewed on our youtube page.

For a full list of all of our past speakers, take a look here.

SGEL Research
Collective Projects


Many SGEL researchers have set up innovative courses in line with SGEL lines of research across EU, international and private law LLMs:

  • a mandatory Master law course in the EU law LLM program on EU trade and competition law and policies' role in climate and social crises, including sessions on the legal regulation of meat during which students represent various actors - from animal welfare and environmental activists to meat industry lobbies — defining what sustainable EU laws and policies should be. (convenor Ivana Isailović)
  • Making Markets beyond the State course, where private lawyers cooperate with investment lawyers, bringing together students from Amsterdam, South Africa and Brazil in a global virtual classroom (convenors Klass Eller & Geraldo Vidigal)
  • International Law and Sustainable Development course focusing on the role of international law for regenerating the earth’s ecosystem, featuring a hackathon/pressure-cooker: students choose a sustainable development goal and prepare a brief on how the UN Conference on Trade and Development should advance this goal. (convenors Ingo Venzke & Andrea Leiter)