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Dr. L.J. (Laurens) Ankersmit

Assistant professor
Faculty of Law
European Public Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: 10.18
Postal address
  • Postbus 15859
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Laurens Ankersmit is Assistant Professor European Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam. His research focusses on environmental aspects of international and European economic law. In 2017 he published the book Green Trade and Fair Trade in and with the EU: Process-based Measures within the EU Legal Order with Cambridge University Press. This book is about regulating green and fair trade products on the EU internal market and extraterritorial aspects of market liberalisation and regulation. He defended his PhD in 2015 at VU University Amsterdam and worked as a legal advisor at ClientEarth on European trade policy, notably in relation to the EU's negotiations with Canada and the United States on CETA and TTIP respectively. 

    Laurens Ankersmit is founder and editor of the European Law Blog.


    Main publications


    • Laurens Ankersmit, Green Trade and Fair Trade in and with the EU: Process-based measures in the EU Legal Order (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2017)

    Chapters in Collective Books

    • Laurens Ankersmit, ‘Judging international dispute settlement: from the Investment Court System to the Aarhus Convention’s Compliance Committee’  in Sacha Garben and Inge Govaere (eds), The interface between EU and International Law (forthcoming book proposal with Hart Publishing), around 25 pages.

    Also published as Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2017-46 and Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Research Paper No. 2017-05


    • Laurens Ankersmit, ‘The compatibility of investment arbitration in EU trade agreements with the EU judicial system’ (2016) Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law, 46-63
    • Laurens Ankersmit, ‘The scope of the Common Commercial Policy after Lisbon: the Daiichi Sankyo and Conditional Access Services Grand Chamber judgments’,  (2014) Legal Issues of Economic Integration, Issue 2, 193-208
    • Laurens Ankersmit, 'What if Cassis de Dijon were Cassis de Quebec? The assimilation of goods of third country origin in the internal market' (2013) 50 Common Market Law Review, Issue 5, 1387–1410
    • L. J. Ankersmit, J.C. Lawrence, and G.T. Davies, ‘Extraterritorial social and environmental concerns and trade: pathways to conflict between the WTO and EU’ (2012) Minnesota Journal of International Law Online
    • Laurens Ankersmit and Jessica C. Lawrence, ‘The Future of Environmental Labelling: US—Tuna II and the scope of the TBT’ [2012] Legal Issues of Economic Integration
  • Publications


    • Ankersmit, L. J. (in press). The EU’s Powers to Green International Investment Law. In X. Groussot, M.-L. Oberg, & G. Butler (Eds.), The EU Law of Investment: Past, Present, and Future (Swedish Studies in European Law; Vol. 19). Hart Publishing.



    • Ankersmit, L. (2021). What Does the ‘Suspension’ of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment Initiative Mean for the Credibility and Consistency of the Commission’s ‘Values-Based’ Trade Agenda? Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 48(3), 223-227. [details]
    • Ankersmit, L. J. (2021). Third country goods inside the internal market. Manuscript submitted for publication. In T. Tridimas, & R. Schuetze (Eds.), Oxford Principles of European Union Law (Vol. 2). Oxford University Press.




    • Ankersmit, L. (2018). Dispute settlement in the current generation of trade and investment agreements of the EU: departing from the days of caution and restraint? Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht = Annuaire suisse de droit européen, 2017-2018, 365-385. [details]



    • Ankersmit, L. (2016). The Compatibility of Investment Arbitration in EU Trade Agreements with the EU Judicial System. Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law, 13(1), 46-63.




    • Ankersmit, L. J., & Lawrence, J. (2012). The Future of Environmental Labelling: US—Tuna II and the scope of the TBT. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 39(1), 127-147.


    • Ankersmit, L. J. (2011). Het einde van de kiloknallers? De grenzen aan zelfregulering van duurzaam vlees onder het kartelverbod. Actualiteiten Mededingingsrecht, 149-155.








    • Ankersmit, L. J., Davies, G. T., & Lawrence, J. (2012). Extraterritorial social and environmental concerns and trade: pathways to conflict between the WTO and EU. Minnesota Journal of International Law, 14-94.


    • Ankersmit, L., & Geursen, W. (2011). Ruiz Zambrano: de interne situatie voorbij. Asiel & Migrantenrecht, 2(4), 156-164.

    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation

    • Ankersmit, L. (speaker) (19-5-2020). Deskundigenbijeenkomst CETA, Tweede en Eerste Kamer.
    • Ankersmit, L. (speaker) (4-12-2018). Regulatory cooperation and Brexit, Trade Justice Movement .
    • Ankersmit, L. (speaker) (12-7-2018). the Commission’s mandate to negotiate an agreement establishing a Multilateral Investment Court, Parliament of Wallonia.
    • Ankersmit, L. (speaker) (9-5-2018). The current state of the trade & environment debate in EU law, University of Siena, Italy.
    • Ankersmit, L. (speaker) (8-5-2018). The ratification of CETA in relation to Opinion 1/17, Flemish Parliament.
    • Ankersmit, L. (speaker) (2-5-2018). ‘Dispute settlement in the current generation of trade and investment agreements of the EU’, University of Fribourg.
    • Ankersmit, L. (speaker) (23-4-2018). The implications of the Achmea decision for investment agreements between the EU and Member States with third countries, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment.


    • Ankersmit, L. (participant) (4-11-2022). The Energy Charter Treaty: An EU (Law) Perspective, Amsterdam. title presentation: Withdrawal from the (modernized) ECT and the division of powers between the EU and the Member States (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ankersmit, L. (participant) (19-5-2022). SNEF conference/book - Investment Treaties and the EU Legal Order: Litigation, Modernisation, and Sustainability - Lund University, Sweden - 19/20 May 2022, Lund (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ankersmit, L. (participant) (2-11-2021). The ECJ’s decision in Komstroy and the future of the Energy Charter Treaty, Amsterdam. The ECJ’s decision in Komstroy and the future of the Energy Charter Treaty (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Eckes, C. (participant), Ankersmit, L. (participant) & Krajewski, P. (participant) (4-6-2021). How does separation of powers impact sustainability and equality in EU trade policy?, Amsterdam. How does separation of powers impact sustainability and equality in EU trade policy? (organising a conference, workshop, ...).…


    • Ankersmit, L., & Peters, J. (2022). Public Access to Documents in EU External Relations. (Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper; No. 2022-08), (Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Research Paper; No. 2022-02), (Amsterdam Centre for European Studies Research Paper; No. 2022). Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance, University of Amsterdam. [details]


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  • Ancillary activities
    • European Law Blog
      Member of the editorial team of the European Law Blog
    • Kluwer
      Member of the board of the journal Legal Issues of Economic Integration