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Fernando Castillo de la Torre is the third speaker in a new series brought to you by the research project, Transformative Effects of Globalisation in Law. The Series brings together judicial practitioners from the CJEU and national courts to share their insights on how they handle scientific and technical complexity.
Event details of Judging scientific uncertainty
12 November 2024
11:00 -12:00


Fernando Castillo de la Torre is Director in the Legal Service of the European Commission, where he has been working since 1996. He studied both law and political science in Madrid (Spain), graduating in 1989 and 1990 respectively. He subsequently undertook postgraduate studies at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium). He worked in the chambers of the President of the European Court of Justice between 1997 and 2002. He has been agent for the European Commission in more than 500 cases in the European Court of Justice. He has published widely on the relationship between legal orders (international, EU and national), judicial review and litigation before EU Courts, and European economic law. He is co-author of Evidence, Proof and Judicial Review in EU Competition Law, whose second edition was published by Elgar Publishing earlier this year.