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Maja Brkan is the second speaker in a new series brought to you by the research project, Transformative Effects of Globalisation in Law. The Series brings together judicial practitioners from the CJEU and national courts to share their insights on how they handle scientific and technical complexity.
Event details of Judging scientific uncertainty
14 June 2024
11:00 -12:00


Maja Brkan is a Judge at the General Court of the European Union and endowed professor of Digitalisation and EU Law at the Maastricht University. Prior to her judicial appointment, she was an Associate Professor of European Union Law at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University. After obtaining her doctoral degree at the Faculty of Law of University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), she worked for several years as a legal advisor at the Court of Justice of the EU. In July 2021, she returned to the General court of the EU as a judge.