Critical Engagements with Law: theories & praxis
Michael will talk about some of the key themes that he is developing in his reports as a UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, including, his framework building on the notion of 'care', the interplay between various legal regimes, and his work on forms of violence in the food system.
He will also talk about his critical engagements within law, how he bridges theories and practice, and how he connects and navigates different communities.
Mr. Fakhri is a professor at the University of Oregon School of Law where he teaches courses on human rights, food law, development, and commercial law. He is also the director of the Food Resiliency Project in the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center. He holds a Doctorate from the University of Toronto, Masters from Harvard Law School, Bachelor of Laws from Queen’s University, and a Bachelor of Science in Ecology from Western University.
He has taught courses on the right to food at Harvard Law School, European University Institute, and the University of Arizona Indigenous Governance Program. He has delivered lectures on international human rights and development topics at universities in places such as South Africa, Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, Singapore, Italy, Switzerland, Iceland, the United States, and the United Kingdom. He has also led public dialogues on human rights and development with peasant organizations, labor unions, and human rights activists in the Arab region and North America, and at international organizations such as the WTO Ministerial Conference.