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An SGEL lecture with Professor Prabha Kotiswaran, Professor of Law & Social Justice at King's College London. Professor Kotiswaran will speak about what constitutes the ‘economic’, the crises in social reproduction and the role of the law and policy in rendering reproductive labour invisible and prioritising women’s paid employment.
Event details of Revaluing Care: An Indian Experiment
7 March 2022
11:30 -13:00


Dr Prabha Kotiswaran is Professor of Law & Social Justice at King's College London. Her main areas of research include criminal law, transnational criminal law, sociology of law, postcolonial theory and feminist legal theory. She has authored Dangerous Sex, Invisible Labor: Sex Work and the Law in India (Princeton 2011, winner of the 2012 SLSA-Hart Prize for Early Career Academics) and co-authored Governance Feminism: An Introduction (Minnesota 2018, with Janet Halley, Rachel Rebouché and Hila Shamir). She has edited Sex Work (Women Unlimited, Delhi 2011), Towards an Economic Sociology of Law (Wiley 2013, with Amanda Perry-Kessaris and Diamond Ashiagbor), Revisiting the Law and Governance of Trafficking, Forced Labor and Modern Slavery (Cambridge University Press 2017), Governance Feminism: Notes from the Field (Minnesota 2019, with Janet Halley, Rachel Rebouché and Hila Shamir) and the Routledge Handbook of Law and Society (with Mariana Valverde, Eve Darian Smith and Kamari Clarke). She is currently Principal Investigator for an EU supported grant on the laws of social reproduction.